
Sugarloaf Technical Solutions LLC

Weather stations in Boulder CO, Hood River OR and Bellingham WA,

Both locations are running the WeatherFlow Smart Home Weather station. A Raspberry Pi Zero W captures the UDP packets, reformats them, and forwards them to this CHORDS server.

The Boulder location is also running a Sutron Total Precipitation Gauge (TPG). The TPG is connected to another rPi Zero W, which transmits the data to this CHORDS instance.


The WeatherFlow crowd-funded weather station measures environmental parameters.

The WeatherFlow datagram sniffer captures datagrams and sends data to CHORDS.


The Sutton Total Precipitation Gauge measures rain and snow.

The tpg transfer program reads the TPG and sends data to CHORDS.

Cloud-Hosted Realtime
Data Services
for the Geosciences

CHORDS is supported by the National Science Foundation EarthCube initiative, which is a community-led cyberinfrastructure initiative for the geosciences.

You are looking at a CHORDS Portal. This is a web service that allows scientists to easily provide Internet access to real-time streaming data. Typically these data are measurements made by diverse instruments, which are deployed in support of a particular research effort.

Each research team can operate their own portal, which is created simply by running a copy of the CHORDS appliance on Amazon cloud services. This provides a web server and database. CHORDS can both ingest and deliver data via simple http: requests, just like any web browser. Configuration and management of your private CHORDS server is also done through a web interface. Any user on the Internet can attach to the data streams using tools of their choice, such as Matlab, Excel, Python, web browsers; i.e. anything that is able to issue an http: request.

CHORDS portals can also forward real-time data streams to higher level CHORDS services, which might provide functions such as OGC compliant formatting, mapping services, federation, and just about anything else you can think of.

The goals of CHORDS are:


CHORDS has been issued a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from

We request that researchers cite CHORDS usage in any relevant publication or other context as follows:

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Portal Status

Release 1.1.0-rc5
Uptime Server:about 2 months, System:about 2 years
Code Branch:master, Revision:4c17fdd
Docker Build time:2024-05-13 20:17:50 UTC
System 4.4.0-210-generic #242-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 09:57:56 UTC 2021 x86_64
Rails Version:5.2.8, Mode:production

Sponsor Acknowledgements

CHORDS is being developed for the National Science Foundation’s EarthCube program under grants 1639750, 1639720, 1639640, 1639570 and 1639554.