

Status Name Active Id Sensor Id Active Interval
Site # of
# of
WxFlow-Air-MtnKing true 1 Yes 60 1 minute MtnKing 8 28791221
WxFlow-Air-Young true 2 Yes 120 less than a minute Young Lane 8 29685169
TPG-MtnKing true 3 tpg Yes 60 less than a minute MtnKing 12 43609739
WxFlow-Sky-MtnKing true 4 Yes 60 1 minute MtnKing 14 41759539
WxFlow-Sky-Young true 5 Yes 600 about 18 hours Young Lane 11 35014815
WxFlow-Air-Woods-Hood false 6 No 60 about 2 years Wood's Hood 8 19171095
WxFlow-Sky-Woods-Hood false 7 No 300 11 months Wood's Hood 11 28346087
WxFlow-Tempest-Governor false 8 No 60 over 1 year Governor 20 37373870
AirQ-MtnKing true 9 Yes 60 1 minute MtnKing 8 17272637
AirQ-Young true 10 Yes 60 1 minute Young Lane 8 16547272
Nest-Thermo1-MtnKing true 11 thermo1 Yes 60 1 minute MtnKing 9 13743129
SunPower-Youngsters true 12 Yes 1209600 14 days Young Lane 6 998657
WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P true 13 Yes 300 1 minute Quail & Poppy 20 65326705
Gas-Youngsters true 14 gas_youngsters Yes 1800 1 minute Young Lane 1 62315
Solar-MtnKing true 15 solar-mtnking Yes 900 5 minutes MtnKing 1 160928
AmbientWx-MtnKing true 16 ambwx-mtnking Yes 120 less than a minute MtnKing 16 10524799
LaCrosse-MtnKing false 17 lacrosse No 120 over 2 years MtnKing 2 44433
WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville true 18 Yes 360 1 day Suddenville 20 47411035
WxFlow-Tempest-Young true 19 Yes 360 less than a minute Young Lane 20 48328470
Xcel-MtnKing true 20 Yes 3000000 3 months MtnKing 9 824
SunPwr-MtnKing true 21 Yes 3000000 4 months MtnKing 2 229180
Powerwall-MtnKing true 22 powerwall Yes 180 1 minute MtnKing 6 359596


MtnKing WxFlow-Air-MtnKing Pressure pres 1 1 1
MtnKing WxFlow-Air-MtnKing Temperature tdry 1 1 2
MtnKing WxFlow-Air-MtnKing Relative Humidity rh 1 1 3
MtnKing WxFlow-Air-MtnKing Air Battery vbat 1 1 4
MtnKing WxFlow-Air-MtnKing Lightning Count lcount 1 1 5
MtnKing WxFlow-Air-MtnKing Lightning Distance ldist 1 1 6
MtnKing WxFlow-Air-MtnKing Air RSSI rssiair 1 1 7
MtnKing WxFlow-Air-MtnKing Air status statair 1 1 8
MtnKing TPG-MtnKing Precipitation precip 1 3 26
MtnKing TPG-MtnKing Bucket Depth bucket 1 3 27
MtnKing TPG-MtnKing Precipitation Rate rate 1 3 28
MtnKing TPG-MtnKing TPG Internal Temperature temp 1 3 29
MtnKing TPG-MtnKing TPG Internal Voltage battv 1 3 30
MtnKing TPG-MtnKing Net Battery Power pwr_mW 1 3 31
MtnKing TPG-MtnKing Bus Voltage busv_V 1 3 32
MtnKing TPG-MtnKing WiFi Signal sig_dbm 1 3 33
MtnKing TPG-MtnKing TPG Enclosure Pressure tpg_pres_mb 1 3 34
MtnKing TPG-MtnKing TPG Enclosure RH tpg_rh 1 3 35
MtnKing TPG-MtnKing TPG Enclosure Temperature tpg_temp_c 1 3 36
MtnKing TPG-MtnKing Shunt Voltage v_mV 1 3 37
MtnKing WxFlow-Sky-MtnKing Rain Accumulated rain 1 4 38
MtnKing WxFlow-Sky-MtnKing Wind Lull wind_lull 1 4 39
MtnKing WxFlow-Sky-MtnKing Wind Speed wind_avg 1 4 40
MtnKing WxFlow-Sky-MtnKing Wind Gust wind_gust 1 4 41
MtnKing WxFlow-Sky-MtnKing Solar Radiation solar 1 4 42
MtnKing WxFlow-Sky-MtnKing Illuminance illum 1 4 43
MtnKing WxFlow-Sky-MtnKing UV uv 1 4 44
MtnKing WxFlow-Sky-MtnKing Precipitation Type precip_typ 1 4 45
MtnKing WxFlow-Sky-MtnKing Sky Battery vbat 1 4 46
MtnKing WxFlow-Sky-MtnKing Local Day Rain Accumulation rain_day 1 4 47
MtnKing WxFlow-Sky-MtnKing Wind Direction wind_dir 1 4 48
MtnKing WxFlow-Sky-MtnKing Sky RSSI rssisky 1 4 102
MtnKing WxFlow-Sky-MtnKing Sky Status statski 1 4 103
MtnKing WxFlow-Sky-MtnKing Sky Voltage vsky 1 4 104
MtnKing AirQ-MtnKing TVOC tvoc 1 9 105
MtnKing AirQ-MtnKing ECO2 eco2 1 9 106
MtnKing AirQ-MtnKing Temperature tdry 1 9 107
MtnKing AirQ-MtnKing Relative Humidity rh 1 9 108
MtnKing AirQ-MtnKing Pressure pres 1 9 109
MtnKing AirQ-MtnKing WiFi Strength sig_dbm 1 9 110
MtnKing AirQ-MtnKing TVOC Standard Deviation tvoc_std 1 9 111
MtnKing AirQ-MtnKing ECO2 Standard Deviation eco2_std 1 9 112
MtnKing Nest-Thermo1-MtnKing Temperature tdry 1 11 121
MtnKing Nest-Thermo1-MtnKing Relative Humidity rh 1 11 122
MtnKing Nest-Thermo1-MtnKing Status status 1 11 123
MtnKing Nest-Thermo1-MtnKing Mode mode 1 11 124
MtnKing Nest-Thermo1-MtnKing Heating Setpoint heatspt 1 11 125
MtnKing Nest-Thermo1-MtnKing Ecomode Status ecomode 1 11 126
MtnKing Nest-Thermo1-MtnKing Ecomode Heat Setpoint ecoheat 1 11 127
MtnKing Nest-Thermo1-MtnKing Ecomode Cool Setpoint ecocool 1 11 128
MtnKing Nest-Thermo1-MtnKing Cooling Set Point coolspt 1 11 129
MtnKing Solar-MtnKing Solar Production solar-kwh 1 15 173
MtnKing AmbientWx-MtnKing Ambient Wx Chan 1 Tdry ambwx1-tdry 1 16 157
MtnKing AmbientWx-MtnKing Ambient Wx Chan 1 RH ambwx1-rh 1 16 158
MtnKing AmbientWx-MtnKing Ambient Wx Chan 2 Tdry ambwx2-tdry 1 16 159
MtnKing AmbientWx-MtnKing Ambient Wx Chan 2 Tdry ambwx2-rh 1 16 160
MtnKing AmbientWx-MtnKing Ambient Wx Chan 3 Tdry ambwx3-tdry 1 16 161
MtnKing AmbientWx-MtnKing Ambient Wx Chan 3 RH ambwx3-rh 1 16 162
MtnKing AmbientWx-MtnKing Ambient Wx Chan 4 Tdry ambwx4-tdry 1 16 163
MtnKing AmbientWx-MtnKing Ambient Wx Chan 4 RH ambwx4-rh 1 16 164
MtnKing AmbientWx-MtnKing Ambient Wx Chan 5 Tdry ambwx5-tdry 1 16 165
MtnKing AmbientWx-MtnKing Ambient Wx Chan 5 RH ambwx5-rh 1 16 166
MtnKing AmbientWx-MtnKing Ambient Wx Chan 6 Tdry ambwx6-tdry 1 16 167
MtnKing AmbientWx-MtnKing Ambient Wx Chan 6 RH ambwx6-rh 1 16 168
MtnKing AmbientWx-MtnKing Ambient Wx Chan 7 Tdry ambwx7-tdry 1 16 169
MtnKing AmbientWx-MtnKing Ambient Wx Chan 7 RH ambwx7-rh 1 16 170
MtnKing AmbientWx-MtnKing Ambient Wx Chan 8 Tdry ambwx8-tdry 1 16 171
MtnKing AmbientWx-MtnKing Ambient Wx Chan 8 RH ambwx8-rh 1 16 172
MtnKing LaCrosse-MtnKing LaCrosse TX35DTHIT Chan 8 Tdry tx35-8-tdry 1 17 174
MtnKing LaCrosse-MtnKing LaCrosse TX29IT Chan 8 Tdry tx29-8-tdry 1 17 175
MtnKing Xcel-MtnKing Total Energy total_energy 1 20 216
MtnKing Xcel-MtnKing Total Delivered By Customer tot_deliv_by_cust 1 20 217
MtnKing Xcel-MtnKing Net Delivered By Xcel net_deliv_by_xcel 1 20 218
MtnKing Xcel-MtnKing Net Generated by Customer net_gen_by_cust 1 20 219
MtnKing Xcel-MtnKing Demand demand 1 20 220
MtnKing Xcel-MtnKing Billable Demand billable_demand 1 20 221
MtnKing Xcel-MtnKing Charge Total charge_total 1 20 222
MtnKing Xcel-MtnKing Solar Bank Balance solar_bank_bal 1 20 223
MtnKing Xcel-MtnKing Solar Bank Transfer solar_bank_xfr 1 20 224
MtnKing SunPwr-MtnKing Solar Production (kWh) solar_prod 1 21 225
MtnKing SunPwr-MtnKing Cumulative Production (kWh) cumulative 1 21 226
MtnKing Powerwall-MtnKing Grid grid 1 22 227
MtnKing Powerwall-MtnKing Solar solar 1 22 228
MtnKing Powerwall-MtnKing Battery battery 1 22 229
MtnKing Powerwall-MtnKing Load load 1 22 230
MtnKing Powerwall-MtnKing Level level 1 22 231
MtnKing Powerwall-MtnKing Vehicle vehicle 1 22 232
Young Lane WxFlow-Air-Young Pressure pres 2 2 17
Young Lane WxFlow-Air-Young Temperature tdry 2 2 18
Young Lane WxFlow-Air-Young Relative Humidity rh 2 2 19
Young Lane WxFlow-Air-Young Air Battery vbat 2 2 20
Young Lane WxFlow-Air-Young Lightning Count lcount 2 2 21
Young Lane WxFlow-Air-Young Lightning Distance ldist 2 2 22
Young Lane WxFlow-Air-Young Air RSSI rssiair 2 2 23
Young Lane WxFlow-Air-Young Air Status statair 2 2 24
Young Lane WxFlow-Sky-Young Rain Accumulated rain 2 5 49
Young Lane WxFlow-Sky-Young Wind Lull wind_lull 2 5 50
Young Lane WxFlow-Sky-Young Wind Speed wind_avg 2 5 51
Young Lane WxFlow-Sky-Young Wind Gust wind_gust 2 5 52
Young Lane WxFlow-Sky-Young Solar Radiation solar 2 5 53
Young Lane WxFlow-Sky-Young Illuminance illum 2 5 54
Young Lane WxFlow-Sky-Young UV uv 2 5 55
Young Lane WxFlow-Sky-Young Precipitation Type precip_typ 2 5 56
Young Lane WxFlow-Sky-Young Sky Battery vbat 2 5 57
Young Lane WxFlow-Sky-Young Local Day Rain Accumulation rain_day 2 5 58
Young Lane WxFlow-Sky-Young Wind Direction wind_dir 2 5 59
Young Lane AirQ-Young TVOC tvoc 2 10 113
Young Lane AirQ-Young ECO2 eco2 2 10 114
Young Lane AirQ-Young Temperature tdry 2 10 115
Young Lane AirQ-Young Relative Humidity rh 2 10 116
Young Lane AirQ-Young Pressure pres 2 10 117
Young Lane AirQ-Young WiFi Strength sig_dbm 2 10 118
Young Lane AirQ-Young TVOC Standard Deviation tvoc_std 2 10 119
Young Lane AirQ-Young ECO2 Standard Deviation eco2_std 2 10 120
Young Lane SunPower-Youngsters Home Energy Usage home_energy 2 12 130
Young Lane SunPower-Youngsters Solar Energy Produced solar_energy 2 12 131
Young Lane SunPower-Youngsters Grid Energy Usage grid_energy 2 12 132
Young Lane SunPower-Youngsters Home Power Usage home_power 2 12 133
Young Lane SunPower-Youngsters Solar Power Produced solar_power 2 12 134
Young Lane SunPower-Youngsters Grid Power Usage grid_power 2 12 135
Young Lane Gas-Youngsters Gas Consumption gas_consumption 2 14 156
Young Lane WxFlow-Tempest-Young Pressure pres 2 19 196
Young Lane WxFlow-Tempest-Young Temperature tdry 2 19 197
Young Lane WxFlow-Tempest-Young Relative Humidity rh 2 19 198
Young Lane WxFlow-Tempest-Young Lightning Count lcount 2 19 199
Young Lane WxFlow-Tempest-Young Lightning Distance ldist 2 19 200
Young Lane WxFlow-Tempest-Young 1 Min Rain rain 2 19 201
Young Lane WxFlow-Tempest-Young Wind Lull wind_lull 2 19 202
Young Lane WxFlow-Tempest-Young Wind Speed wind_avg 2 19 203
Young Lane WxFlow-Tempest-Young Wind Gust wind_gust 2 19 204
Young Lane WxFlow-Tempest-Young Solar Radiation solar 2 19 205
Young Lane WxFlow-Tempest-Young Illuminanace illum 2 19 206
Young Lane WxFlow-Tempest-Young UV uv 2 19 207
Young Lane WxFlow-Tempest-Young Precipitation Type precip_typ 2 19 208
Young Lane WxFlow-Tempest-Young Tempest Battery vbat 2 19 209
Young Lane WxFlow-Tempest-Young Wind Direction wind_dir 2 19 210
Young Lane WxFlow-Tempest-Young Tempest Voltage vst 2 19 211
Young Lane WxFlow-Tempest-Young Tempest RSSI rssist 2 19 212
Young Lane WxFlow-Tempest-Young Tempest Status statst 2 19 213
Young Lane WxFlow-Tempest-Young Hub RSSI rssihub 2 19 214
Young Lane WxFlow-Tempest-Young Tempest Up Time uptime 2 19 215
Wood's Hood WxFlow-Air-Woods-Hood Pressure pres 3 6 60
Wood's Hood WxFlow-Air-Woods-Hood Temperature tdry 3 6 61
Wood's Hood WxFlow-Air-Woods-Hood Relative Humidity rh 3 6 62
Wood's Hood WxFlow-Air-Woods-Hood Air Battery vbat 3 6 63
Wood's Hood WxFlow-Air-Woods-Hood Lightning Count lcount 3 6 64
Wood's Hood WxFlow-Air-Woods-Hood Lightning Distance ldist 3 6 65
Wood's Hood WxFlow-Air-Woods-Hood Air RSSI rssiair 3 6 66
Wood's Hood WxFlow-Air-Woods-Hood Air Status statair 3 6 67
Wood's Hood WxFlow-Sky-Woods-Hood Rain Accumulated rain 3 7 68
Wood's Hood WxFlow-Sky-Woods-Hood Wind Lull wind_lull 3 7 69
Wood's Hood WxFlow-Sky-Woods-Hood Wind Speed wind_avg 3 7 70
Wood's Hood WxFlow-Sky-Woods-Hood Wind Gust wind_gust 3 7 71
Wood's Hood WxFlow-Sky-Woods-Hood Solar Radiation solar 3 7 72
Wood's Hood WxFlow-Sky-Woods-Hood Illuminance illum 3 7 73
Wood's Hood WxFlow-Sky-Woods-Hood UV uv 3 7 74
Wood's Hood WxFlow-Sky-Woods-Hood Precipitation Type precip_typ 3 7 75
Wood's Hood WxFlow-Sky-Woods-Hood Sky Battery vbat 3 7 76
Wood's Hood WxFlow-Sky-Woods-Hood Local Day Rain Accumulation rain_day 3 7 77
Wood's Hood WxFlow-Sky-Woods-Hood Wind Direction wind_dir 3 7 78
Governor WxFlow-Tempest-Governor Pressure pres 4 8 79
Governor WxFlow-Tempest-Governor Temperature tdry 4 8 80
Governor WxFlow-Tempest-Governor Relative Humidity rh 4 8 81
Governor WxFlow-Tempest-Governor Lightning Count lcount 4 8 83
Governor WxFlow-Tempest-Governor Lightning Distance ldist 4 8 84
Governor WxFlow-Tempest-Governor 1 Min Rain rain 4 8 87
Governor WxFlow-Tempest-Governor Wind Lull wind_lull 4 8 88
Governor WxFlow-Tempest-Governor Wind Speed wind_avg 4 8 89
Governor WxFlow-Tempest-Governor Wind Gust wind_gust 4 8 90
Governor WxFlow-Tempest-Governor Solar Radiation solar 4 8 91
Governor WxFlow-Tempest-Governor Illuminanace illum 4 8 92
Governor WxFlow-Tempest-Governor UV uv 4 8 93
Governor WxFlow-Tempest-Governor Precipitation Type precip_typ 4 8 94
Governor WxFlow-Tempest-Governor Tempest Battery vbat 4 8 95
Governor WxFlow-Tempest-Governor Wind Direction wind_dir 4 8 96
Governor WxFlow-Tempest-Governor Tempest Voltage vst 4 8 97
Governor WxFlow-Tempest-Governor Tempest RSSI rssist 4 8 98
Governor WxFlow-Tempest-Governor Tempest Status statst 4 8 99
Governor WxFlow-Tempest-Governor Hub RSSI rssihub 4 8 100
Governor WxFlow-Tempest-Governor Tempest Up Time uptime 4 8 101
Quail & Poppy WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P Pressure pres 5 13 136
Quail & Poppy WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P Temperature tdry 5 13 137
Quail & Poppy WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P Relative Humidity rh 5 13 138
Quail & Poppy WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P Lightning Count lcount 5 13 139
Quail & Poppy WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P Lightning Distance ldist 5 13 140
Quail & Poppy WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P 1 Min Rain rain 5 13 141
Quail & Poppy WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P Wind Lull wind_lull 5 13 142
Quail & Poppy WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P Wind Speed wind_avg 5 13 143
Quail & Poppy WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P Wind Gust wind_gust 5 13 144
Quail & Poppy WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P Solar Radiation solar 5 13 145
Quail & Poppy WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P Illuminanace illum 5 13 146
Quail & Poppy WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P UV uv 5 13 147
Quail & Poppy WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P Precipitation Type precip_typ 5 13 148
Quail & Poppy WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P Tempest Battery vbat 5 13 149
Quail & Poppy WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P Wind Direction wind_dir 5 13 150
Quail & Poppy WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P Tempest Voltage vst 5 13 151
Quail & Poppy WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P Tempest RSSI rssist 5 13 152
Quail & Poppy WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P Tempest Status statst 5 13 153
Quail & Poppy WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P Hub RSSI rssihub 5 13 154
Quail & Poppy WxFlow-Tempest-Q&P Tempest Up Time uptime 5 13 155
Suddenville WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville Pressure pres 6 18 176
Suddenville WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville Temperature tdry 6 18 177
Suddenville WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville Relative Humidity rh 6 18 178
Suddenville WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville Lightning Count lcount 6 18 179
Suddenville WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville Lightning Distance ldist 6 18 180
Suddenville WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville 1 Min Rain rain 6 18 181
Suddenville WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville Wind Lull wind_lull 6 18 182
Suddenville WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville Wind Speed wind_avg 6 18 183
Suddenville WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville Wind Gust wind_gust 6 18 184
Suddenville WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville Solar Radiation solar 6 18 185
Suddenville WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville Illuminanace illum 6 18 186
Suddenville WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville UV uv 6 18 187
Suddenville WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville Precipitation Type precip_typ 6 18 188
Suddenville WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville Tempest Battery vbat 6 18 189
Suddenville WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville Wind Direction wind_dir 6 18 190
Suddenville WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville Tempest Voltage vst 6 18 191
Suddenville WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville Tempest RSSI rssist 6 18 192
Suddenville WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville Tempest Status statst 6 18 193
Suddenville WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville Hub RSSI rssihub 6 18 194
Suddenville WxFlow-Tempest-Suddenville Tempest Up Time uptime 6 18 195